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Shoulder Relief Program in Oceanside

Shoulder issues can be very debilitating. Patients will experience not only pain but also the inability to lift the arm out to the side. Some patients can lift their arm only halfway up and some may not be able to lift at all.

Those with shoulder pain will often have trouble sleeping, an inability to exercise, put their shirt or jacket on, play their favorite sports, or even just get something out of a high cabinet. Typical therapies and shots will often offer little to no relief as they fail to address the cause of the problem.

Patients can and will often experience pain in the front, side or back of the shoulder. The shoulder is a complex joint with several bones and many muscles and if the joint does not work properly it will lead to shoulder spasms, pain and most often tendonitis.

Why Many People Experience Shoulder Pain

Poor posture results in the head moving forward and the shoulders to round forward. This will change the angle of the shoulder blade and will cause muscle spasms in most of the muscles of the shoulder. This will essentially “lock up” the shoulder blade and cause shoulder problems. Some of these muscles will eventually lead to tendonitis.

It is critical to address the underlying lack of mobility of the shoulder blade, the spasms of the shoulder muscles and the resultant tendonitis.

Our shoulder program at Oceanside Wellness Center utilizes the latest technologies to increase shoulder range of motion, muscle spasms and our Class IV laser to decrease pain and inflammation with tendonitis. Most of our patients will see an immediate increase in the ability to lift their arm, even right after the first treatment.

Get Started Today

We get great results, even for those who have been told it is arthritis or may even be bone on bone. If youare looking for a fast solution to your shoulder pain, please call (516) 255-0272 or make an appointment online.


service Oceanside NY | (516) 255-0272